Parkside Lodge is located at 10200 Memphis Avenue Brooklyn, Ohio 44144.
Question? Leave us a message at 216-941-3467, and read the Parkside Monitor for Officer Messages and Lodge News.
Parkside Lodge membership exceeds 200 active Brethren. We’re a very active Lodge serving the Greater Cleveland Area. We’ve received international visitors, visitors from Lodges around the country, and from Brethren right here in our own 22nd Masonic District.
Stated Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. All Regular Masons are invited to attend Lodge Meetings.
After Lodge, join us in our Fellowship Hall for desserts and fellowship. Equipped with a full kitchen, Parkside Lodge regularly hosts Regional Conferences and Special Visitor meetings.
Our Lodge Room is reserved to bestow Masonic Degrees, share in Masonic rituals, and to administer the Installation of Lodge Officers.
Many Masonic programs are open to the public: see our Calendar
Parkside Lodge is an easy access facility with all meeting rooms on one main floor. This means no stairs or elevators are required. We have a full parking lot for our visitors and a host of meeting amenities.
Welcome to Parkside Lodge!